Our Communities
Welcome to beautiful Ritchie County, WV!
Within our borders lie several communities, some incorporated, some not. Among them are: Auburn, Berea, Burnt House, Cairo, Cornwallis, Ellenboro, Harrisville, Hazelgreen, Highland, Macfarlan, Mahone, Mountain, Pennsboro, Petroleum, Pullman, Smithville and Washburn.
For the local community contact, club and organization information, we invite you to visit each community as listed below:
Cairo Town Square (above) sits in downtown Cairo, along the 72-mile North Bend Rail Trail. The square features several iron benches along with greenery and flowers as well as an iron gazebo.
The historic "Bank of Cairo” (left) was built in 1897 and is a 2 1/2 story brick structure with Romanesque and neoclassical details. The building features a unique corner entrance and housed the bank founded by Jacob Cattaui, son of a wealthy Egyptian banker and cotton plantation owner in 1987. The bank was housed in the same building since its inception in 1987 to 1931 and from 1941-1974. The Bank of Cairo is located along the North Bend Rail Trail, in downtown Cairo.
Town of Auburn
Robert E. Lowther, Jr.
PO Box 37
Auburn, WV 26325
Phone: 304.349.2257
Auburn Community Association
Ralph Hardbarger
RR 1 Box 5
Auburn, WV 26325
Phone: 304.349.2483
Wo-He-Lo 4-H Club
Mary Haddox
PO Box 51
Auburn, WV 26325
Phone: 304.349.2515
Burnt House
Burnt House Community
Kevin Spurgeon
HC 80, Box 4
Burnt House, WV 26178
Phone: 304.349.2662
Harmony Lodge 118 IOOF
1A Burnt House
Smithville, WV 26178
Town of Cairo
Mayor Gary Haugh
PO Box 162
Cairo, WV 26337
Phone: 304.628.3843
Fax: 304.628.3477
Community Development Association
Mona Region
PO Box 382
Cairo, WV 26337
Phone: 304.628.3207
Eastern Star
Jennifer Cottrill
RR 1, Box 141-B
Cairo, WV 26337
Masonic Lodge AF/AM
RR 1, Box 141B
Cairo, WV 26337

Town of Ellenboro
Mayor Steve Lewis
PO Box 123
Ellenboro, WV 26346
Work Phone: 304.869.3305
Home Phone: 304.869.3242
Cell Phone: 304.588.0616
Eastern Star
Ellenboro, WV 26346
Phone: 304.869.3231
Ellenboro Playground
Town of Harrisville
Mayor Alan R. Haught
P.O. Box 243
Harrisville, WV 26362
Phone: 304.643.2719
E-mail: tohwv@zoominternet.net
Website: harrisville-wv.com
Eastern Star
L. Jean Westfall
PO Box 257
Harrisville, WV 26362
Phone: 304.643.4118
Harrisville Civic Club
Harrisville Woman's Club
Arlene Mosser
PO Box 61
Harrisville, WV 26362
Phone: 304.643.4578
Hope Rebekah Lodge
Pam White
329 South Court Street
Harrisville, WV 26362
Lions Club
President Richard L. Edman
121 N. Court St
Harrisville, WV 26362
Phone: 304.643.4552
Masonic Lodge
O.C. Post
RR 1, Box 147A
Harrisville, WV 26362
Phone: 304.643.2374
VFW-Ritchie Post #3554
Ralph K. Six
120 West Main Street
Harrisville, WV 26362
Phone: 304.643.4361
City of Pennsboro
Mayor Robert Riggs
422 Main Street
Pennsboro, WV 26415
Phone: 304-659-2377
Fax: 304-659-3309
Email: cityofpennsboro@zoominternet.net
Connie Doll
RR 3, Box 43
Pennsboro, WV 26415
Pennsboro 4-H
Deena Richards
Pullman, WV 26421
Phone: 304.659.3469
Pennsboro Woman's Club
Nancy Mallett
PO Box 304
Pennsboro, WV 26415
Route One CEOS Club
Delphene Haddox, President
RR 1, Box 82
Pennsboro, WV 26415
Myles Stadium, Pennsboro, WV
Sunshine CEOS Club
Winola Carman
RR 2, Box 120-B
Pennsboro, WV 26415
Phone 304.659.2233
Tracy Lake, Pennsboro, WV
Smithville Community
Myron Bailey
1 Burnt House Rd.
Smithville, WV 26178
Phone: 304.349.2615
Smithville Community Association
Karen "Short" Stanley
HC 80, Box 7
Smithville, WV 26178
Phone: 304.477.3742
Melissa Ayers
PO Box 64
MacFarland, WV 26148
Phone: 304.477.3189
Naomi Rollins, President
HC 68, Box 49-A
Smithville, WV 26178
Smithville Club
Naomi Rollins
HC 68 Box 49-A
Smithville, WV 26178
Dutchman Community Barn
Clarissa Goodnight
HC 68, Box 28
MacFarland, WV 26148
Phone: 304.477.3436